Monday, April 7, 2008


A very important Jewish holiday called Passover is shortly coming up! Passover is a very exciting holiday because it celebrates the time that Moses went up to the Pharoh of Egypt and told him to "Let his people go!" Moses's people of course is refering to the Jew's who were enslaved by Pharoh for a very long time. There is a lot of interesting rituals that happens during a Passover dinner, which is also called a Seder. There is a Seder Plate which has many different items on it.
There is a hardboiled egg which symbolizes the sacrifice that was given in the Temple of Isreal every year during passover.
There is a lamb bone which also symbolizes the lamb sacrifice that was given in the Temple of Isreal.
There is something called Maror, which is a bitter herb that symbolizes the bitterness of the times of enslavement.
Charoset, which is a sweet mixture of nuts, apples, and cinnamon and wine all crushed up. This represents the mortor which was used to make bricks for the pyramids.
The last thing is usually a large piece of lettuce called Karpas which is dipped into salt water to represent the tears of the Jews which fell during all the hard work.

That is what a Seder Plate is! If you are ever invited over to someones house for Passover dinner, now you can sound really intelligent telling everyone what each things means!

1 comment:

Blind Guardian 666 said...

Yep I was raised jewish too. In the bay area. Your post reminds me of those seders that my family did growing up. By the way do you know anyone by the name of Robert Blummingfeld because you look like him.