Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's almost over!

I can't believe my freshman year of college is almost over. This year was almost exactly as i pictured the first year of college. The dorms were awesome and I couldn't have asked for a better floor to live on. Everyone in college is just so much nicer than high school. In high school it seemed like everyone was in their own little clique and if you weren't part of it don't even bother. In college, you meet people from all over the world and everyone is here for the same reason, to meet people. I never thought living in Flagstaff would be so much fun. Even though there really isn't anything to do here, the people are what make it so great. Everyone is all laid-back and enjoy life. No one really seems like they are in a rush or anything. I met a lot of new people that i know i will keep in touch with for a very long time. A lot of stuff changed, but that is a good thing! That is what college is for. I hope the years continue to get better, but so far this is a first impression of the next chapter of my life.


Greg Scott said...

I couldnt agree more man, i mean, coming here from high school i would have never guessed i would end up partying with kuwaiti exchange students, becoming friends with almost everyone i work with, or passing out on so many different floors across this city haha.

Jacki Belknap said...

Umm, you forgot to mention the excellent education you have found here in Flagstaff, and how it has helped mold you as an intellectual. Just so you know.