Monday, April 7, 2008

My Arguement

Attention Deficit Dissorder (ADD) is a very common issue that usually is diagnosed at very young ages. Every child likes attenton..some just take it to a whole different level. This is where the teachers and parents step in and say, "I don't know how to control my give them drugs!" Of course, parent's will listen to anything a doctor says. Adderall is a pill used to control ADD hyper active behavior in young children and make paying attention in class easier for older studesnts. Although adderall can definitly make school a better place, the negative affects are stronger than the possitive.

1 comment:

Blind Guardian 666 said...

I definitly agree with you. Most of those drugs can poison the system. In fact Cannibis is probably better for you than those pills. However what are some of the specific health effects that ritlin and similar drugs have on the body?