Monday, March 31, 2008

Moving On

A few days ago, my moms boyfriend of four years asked her to marry him. About five years ago, my dad was diagnosed with cancer and passed away a year later. For these last four or so years, it has been my mom, brother, and I living together in one tiny...but big in my eyes, family. Things havn't been easy by any means. My mom didn't really have a steady job, my dad was the one who made all the money. My brother started smoking a lot of weed and he would only listen to me. Grades fell and my chances of getting into college seemed thin.
Luckily though, I did make it here to this awesome school. In this past year of college so much has changed. I am about to have a step-dad and I really don't know if I am ready for that. It is wierd how life can change so quickly.

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