Sunday, March 2, 2008

Two Different Worlds

It's wierd how when someone goes off to college, they are really going off to college. I thought that when I went away to NAU, nothing would be different. I thought I would keep in contact with all my old friends, especially my best friend Erin from back home. She went off to Chicago for college and now we barely speak. When I went home for winter break, it was kind of wierd seeing all my old friends. It actually made me kind of depressed. At times it makes me really sad, but then I think about how the point of leaving to college is not sit around thinking about all the people that you miss, but all the people that you will meet. This is a new chapter in life that maybe I just wasn't ready for in the beginning. Living in the dorms has been one of the most fun time of my life and it has been a huge learning experience. I have learned so much about my self by living in the dorms. I learned that I am horrible at folding clothes, that I really love to sleep in, that I enjoy being around people much more than being alone. I love being in college and having this whole new group of friends, but the old friends from high school and the times we had will always be in my memory. For to long I have lived my life thinking about the past. Thinking about regrets that I have, choices I should have made, things I wish I would have done. One can't live their life thinking about the past at this age. There is so much more to go, and I can't wait to see what awaits me.


Jacki Belknap said...

College life can be the best experience you will ever have. I have seen many people not let themselves enjoy it because they held onto the past for too long. Seeing old friends and reminiscing can be one of the best things in the world. But what I find is even more rewarding is to leave those brief windows into the past to return to the present and future. It is great that you have learned to enjoy your present/future. Remember, this is only your first year... it has only just begun!

The Foo said...

College can be a great experience. I too find myself thinking and missing the past. It is hard not to remember, old friends and the stress free public school. Friends are made and friends are lost but good friends will always be there for you even if you don't speak often

Anonymous said...

you know during the breaks I went home I as well really didn't enjoy being home or around all the same people I grew up with. All I can say is man they've changed, or rather was it me thats changed? I dunno. But I think you've expressed your feeling truly and I totally agree with Farrens comment as well along with jacki. (^^,)

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I haven't talked to my best friend in one week now. not because were mad at each other, we just haven't. I love that your looking at the positive aspect of it all. I'm sure all will be as it should be. Good luck.