Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I think golfing is a very overlooked sport for teens to play. Most people think golfing is just a sport for old, retired, senior citizens. The truth is is that golf is a fun sport for everone to play! I started playing golf when I was five and absolutely hated it. Every time I would swing at the ball I would get mad and my Dad would get frustrated. It was just annoying, so I switched over to playing a more normal sport for that age like baseball and soccer. I didn't pick up another golf club until I was fourteen when my friend got a job working at a golf course. We could play on a proffesional 18 hole course for free! Golf carts included! At first I was absolutely horrible and hated the stupid sport still. After a few games I could finally make contact with the ball. Suddenly, what was once the most frustrating sports in the world turned into an addiction. I joined the golf team at my school and quickly became captain of the varsity team! I really influence anyone who has never played golf, to get a group of friends together and go out and play. It is a game that most people overlook as being fun , when in reality there is nothing better than gettting a few friends together and riding up and down a golf course on a golf cart. It will be difficult at first, it still is for me at times, but don't give up! It is a very good sport to know how to play, especially for many business majors. A lot of a business transactions are made on the golf course!


JWhitham89 said...

I know what you mean! I was the same way with golf. My dad tried to get me to play when I was young but I didn't really get into it until I was 12...Then I joined the team and was on varsity which was a great experience. Golf is amazing because you can just get away from it all, but at the same time it is such a mental challenge. You can hang out with friends and just enjoy a great day outdoors. I also worked at a course for a year and loved it...let me just say, despite the fancy outer shell there were some crazy shenanigans that went on at the course haha.

1020is2Early said...

I think golf is great. I'm a horrible at it though. I think it's a game that requires a lot of practice that most people other than retired old men don't have. But I feel like when I'm old I'm gonna take it up as my hobby.

Cassie said...

I was also the same way. When I moved to Phx my parents tried to get my brother and I into golf and I just got so bored I ended up like hating it. But this year my boyfriend and I would go to the driving range all the time and I love it. I also have a little putting chipping area in my back yard and it's so fun to just to out there and mess around. (and I say mess around because I am terrible) But I'll play the nine hole like 3 par courses and I love it.