Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Violence-Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction is obviously not a movie made for children. It got its R rating for a few reasons....drugs use, language, sexual content, and of course, violence. There are scenes that go above and beyond just your usual gun shot to the head. Scenes like Marceles Wallace getting raped is not a visual that is easily forgotten. Each violent act seems to come from a "what goes around comes around" feeling. Wallace is raped after having thrown someone off the balcony of his house. Travolta's character is shot by Bruce Willis after taking Wallace's wife out for a dinner which led to much more than just a dinner. After doing one line to many of cocaine, Wallace's wife nearly dies. Everything connects in Quentin Tarrentino's movie and he does a very good job of doing it. Stories jump around all over the place but in the end they all connect and make sense. For instance, after the scene were Wallace is raped, the movie transitions to a scene were Samuel L Jackson is saying that "Wallace only likes to be fucked by his wife and no one else". It is cool because that happened before the rape happened.
From the movie, i think i will mostly take from it that what goes around comes around. John Travolta doesn't believe that it was a miracle when all the bullets missed them, and he ends up getting shot. You can't take life for granted because it can be over so quickly, just like the one kid in the back of the car. No one wants to end up with their brains splattered all over the backseat.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's almost over!

I can't believe my freshman year of college is almost over. This year was almost exactly as i pictured the first year of college. The dorms were awesome and I couldn't have asked for a better floor to live on. Everyone in college is just so much nicer than high school. In high school it seemed like everyone was in their own little clique and if you weren't part of it don't even bother. In college, you meet people from all over the world and everyone is here for the same reason, to meet people. I never thought living in Flagstaff would be so much fun. Even though there really isn't anything to do here, the people are what make it so great. Everyone is all laid-back and enjoy life. No one really seems like they are in a rush or anything. I met a lot of new people that i know i will keep in touch with for a very long time. A lot of stuff changed, but that is a good thing! That is what college is for. I hope the years continue to get better, but so far this is a first impression of the next chapter of my life.

Monday, April 7, 2008


A very important Jewish holiday called Passover is shortly coming up! Passover is a very exciting holiday because it celebrates the time that Moses went up to the Pharoh of Egypt and told him to "Let his people go!" Moses's people of course is refering to the Jew's who were enslaved by Pharoh for a very long time. There is a lot of interesting rituals that happens during a Passover dinner, which is also called a Seder. There is a Seder Plate which has many different items on it.
There is a hardboiled egg which symbolizes the sacrifice that was given in the Temple of Isreal every year during passover.
There is a lamb bone which also symbolizes the lamb sacrifice that was given in the Temple of Isreal.
There is something called Maror, which is a bitter herb that symbolizes the bitterness of the times of enslavement.
Charoset, which is a sweet mixture of nuts, apples, and cinnamon and wine all crushed up. This represents the mortor which was used to make bricks for the pyramids.
The last thing is usually a large piece of lettuce called Karpas which is dipped into salt water to represent the tears of the Jews which fell during all the hard work.

That is what a Seder Plate is! If you are ever invited over to someones house for Passover dinner, now you can sound really intelligent telling everyone what each things means!

My Arguement

Attention Deficit Dissorder (ADD) is a very common issue that usually is diagnosed at very young ages. Every child likes attenton..some just take it to a whole different level. This is where the teachers and parents step in and say, "I don't know how to control my child...is give them drugs!" Of course, parent's will listen to anything a doctor says. Adderall is a pill used to control ADD hyper active behavior in young children and make paying attention in class easier for older studesnts. Although adderall can definitly make school a better place, the negative affects are stronger than the possitive.